
Tips Kekalkan Rumah Bersih & Wangi Semasa Perayaan


Sebagai ibu bapa, parenthood memang beri pengalaman yang menceriakan, tapi ia juga boleh jadi sangat mencabar. Secara khususnya bila kena jaga rumah supaya sentiasa bersih, wangi dan presentable. Dengan baby sekali, kadang-kadang rasa macam tak habis-habis je berperang lawan kekacauan dan kekotoran. Tapi takyah risau! Kami dah kumpulkan 10 tips canggih yang akan tolong korang […]

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10 Ways to Encourage Your Little One to Eat More Fruits and Veggies

Astra Family Keywords: family, table

Encouraging children who don’t like fruits and veggies is every parents’ pet peeve. Luckily children tend to favour one over the other, so at very least they can still get some fibre and essential vitamins. If your little one loves them both, then lucky you. However, when children refuse to eat both, that’s when parents

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Can I Make My Baby Fairer?

Astra Family A woman discussing how to make her baby fairer with a curious child on the floor.

To begin to understand Asia’s deep-rooted obsession with being fair-skinned, we first need to go back in history. Many countries in South Asia and South-East Asia were colonised by Europeans back then where the white race was deemed more superior, and the dark-skinned race was considered lower class. Unfortunately, white supremacy has been ingrained in

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